Sl. No.
Name of the project
Name of the Investigator
Duration of the project
Remarks / Publication
Dr. Nirupama Mishra
April 1980 - March 2003
Published in Clinical Research Studies Series-1, page no-53-66, Filariasis, by CCRH, New Delhi.
Disease Monograph-1, Homoeopathic Approach, Lymphatic Filariasis, 2010, by CCRH, New Delhi.
Dr. Goutam Rakshit, RO(H), S4
Oct 2003-Sept 2005
The manuscript has already been submitted for publication.
Dr. Arti Soren, RO(H), S3
Dr. U. P. Yadav, RO(H), S4
Oct 2005-Sept 2008
Article on – a multicenter observational study to evolve the usefulness of the nine predefined homoeopathic medicines in Furunculosis
published in –
- I.J.R.H. vol.4. No. 1, January – march, 2010
- Homoeopathic Links, Spring 2010, Vol. 23: 60-63
Chronic Bronchitis
Dr. B.K. Mondal, RO(H)
Oct 2005- Sept 2010
Dr. D.K. Jha, RO(H)
Dr. L. Debata, RO(H), S2
Oct 2005 - Sept 2010
Article on – a multicentric observational study to evaluate the role therapy in vitiligo – published in IJRH. Vol. 9, issue 3, July-Sept 2015.
Dr. A.K. Bhakat, RO(H)
April 2007- Sept 2008
Role of Homoeopathic therapy in Management of Gastroenteritis; International Journal of Bio Research ; Vol-1, Issue 2. Feb 2010. P34-42
Influenza like Illness
Dr. J. L. Rai, RO(H), S4
Dr. A.K. Prusty, RO(H), S2
May 2009- June 2010
Effect of individualized homoeopathic treatment in Influenza like illness: A multi-centric single blind randomized placebo-controlled study – IJRH, Vol. 7, Issue 1, Jan-Mar 2013
Clinical Verification of 35 drugs
Dr. P. K. Pradhan, RO(H), S3
Jan 2008 – Mar 2010
1.Clinical Verification of Glycyrrhiza glabra -A multicentric Clinical Verification Study, Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 4, No.3, July-September 2010; page no. 22
2.Clinical Verification of Tylophora indica -A multicentric Clinical Verification Study, Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 4, issue-4, October-December 2010; page no. 12
3.Clinical Verification of Curcuma longa -A multicentric Clinical Verification Study. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 5, No.1, January-March 2011; page no. 19
4.Clinical Verification of Cassia fistula -A multicentric Clinical Verification Study. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 5, No.2, April-June 2011; page no. 20.
5.Clinical Verification of Alfalfa- A multicentric Clinical Verification Study. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 5, No.3, July-September 2011; page no. 36
6.Clinical Verification of Staphylococcinum – A multicenter Clinical Verification Study. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 6, No.1&2, January-June 2012; page no. 15
7.Clinical Verification of Ichthyolum – A multicentric Observational study. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 6, No.4, October-December 2012; page no. 24.
8.Clinical Verification of Mygale lasiodora – A multicentric Observational study. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 9, No.4, October-December 2015; page no. 249.
9.Clinical Verification of Cynodon dactylon – A multicentric Observational study. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 10, No.4, October-December 2016; page no. 225-37.
10. Clinical Verification of Ocimum cannum – A multicentric Observational study. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 10, No.4, October-December 2016; page no. 238-48.
11. Drug Monograph-13; Acalypha indica , CCRH, New Delhi, 2011
12. Drug Monograph-14; Holarrhena antidysentrica , CCRH, New Delhi, 2011
13. Disease Monograph-15; Ocimum cannum , CCRH, New Delhi, 2011
14. Drug Monograph- 16; Tylophora indica , CCRH, New Delhi, 2011
15. Drug Monograph- 17; Thea chinensis , CCRH, New Delhi, 2013
16. Drug Monograph- 18; Cassia fistula , CCRH, New Delhi, 2013
17. Drug Monograph- 19; Alfalfa, CCRH, New Delhi, 2014
18. Drug Monograph- 20; Cynodon dactylon, CCRH, New Delhi, 2014
Clinical Verification of 23 drugs
Dr. P. K. Pradhan, RO(H), S3
Oct 2010 - Dec 2016
1. Clinical Verification of Formic acid – A multi-centric Observational study. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy, Volume 10, No.4, October-December 2016; page no. 249-57.
2. Prevalence and prognostic factor in patients with good therapeutic response in a cohort of 172 patients with the homoeopathic medicine Aranea diadema : A multicentric open-label observational study. IJRH, vol. 12, issue 1, jan-Mar 2018, p 20-25
3. Study of homoeopathic medicines through clinical verification. A new perspective , Vol. III, 2016
4. Study of homoeopathic medicines through clinical verification. A new perspective , Vol. IV, 2018
5. Monograph on Homoeopathic drug Bellis perennis , 2018
6. Exploring the predictive value of specific symptoms as prognostic factor; Assessment of group confined likelihood ratio for symptom ‘headache’ in 20 lesser known drugs; IJRH Vol. 13, Issue1, p 4-8, Jan-Mar 2019
7. Retrospective estimation of prevalence and likelihood ratio of general symptoms of 29 less frequently prescribed homoeopathic medicines by clinical verification. IJRH – Apr-Jun 2019, Vol-13, Issue-2. P 72-80,
Clinical Verification of 16 drugs
Dr. P. K. Pradhan, RO(H), S3
Oct 2010 - Dec 2016
Under compilation at Hqrs.
A multicentric randomized clinical trial of Homeopathic medicines in LM potencies vis-à-vis centesimal potencies on symptomatic uterine fibroids
Dr. Arti Soren, RO(H), S3
2009- 2011
A multi-centric randomized clinical trial of homoeopathic medicines in fifty millesimal potencies vis-à-vis centesimal potencies on symptomatic uterine fibroid – IJRH, Vol. 10, Issue – 1, Jan-Mar 2016
Sepia in Menopausal Symptoms: A Multi-centre Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial
Dr. Arti Soren, RO(H), S3
2012 - 2014
Homoeopathic medicine – Sepia for the management of menopausal symptoms: A multicentric, randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial – IJRH, 2019; 13:219-28
A Randomized Open Controlled Clinical Trial of Predefined Homeopathic Medicines on acute adenolymphangitis (ADL) due to Lymphatic Filariasis.
Dr. L. Debata, RO(H), S3
October 2012 - April 2014
A Randomized comparative study to evaluate the efficacy of Homoeopathic treatment -vs- standard Allopathy treatment for Acute Adenolymphangitis due to lymphatic Filariasis – IJRH 2018; 12:64-74
Mother & Child Health Awareness camps
AYUSH Outreach Camps
December 2012 – March 2013
Filariasis Awareness Camps
Dr. L. Debata, RO(H), S3
Health camps in SC dominated areas
Dr. Umakanta Prusty, RO(H), S2
Oct 2016 to Dec 2016
A multi-center study on action of Homoeopathic medicines and potencies on Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
and Blood Flow Variability (BFV) using
Medical Analyzer System
Dr. Goutam Rakshit, RO(H), S4
August 2009 to December 2011
This project was conducted at DPU, BBSR. It is still under statistical analysis.
A Multi-centre single blind randomized placebo controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of individualized Homoeopathic intervention in Breast Fibroadenoma
Dr. Arti Soren, RO(H), S3
Started from Feb 2014
Compilation work is going on for publication.
Observational study to evaluate response to Homoeopathic Treatment in Psoriasis
Dr. A. K. Prusty, RO(H), S3
From Sept 2014 to Dec 2020
Target: 30
Observational study to evaluate response to Homoeopathic Treatment in Vitiligo
Dr. A. K. Prusty, RO(H), S3
From Aug 2014 to Dec 2020
Target: 30
Validation of 23Homoeopathic Drugs for Functional Dyspepsia
Dr. A. K. Prusty, RO(H), S3
Started since January 2016
Target: No. of patients completed 2 months follow up in 2 years
Double blind placebo controlled study to evaluate the efficacy of pre-defined homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of warts.
Dr. A. K. Prusty, RO(H), S2
From 20-09-17 as observational study
Completed in March 2021
Target: 60 (Drug -30 and Placebo-30) cases per drug for 9 drugs
Prognostic factor research of symptoms indicating Homoeopathic medicines for cough (Pre-trial Phase)
Dr. Sujata Choudhury,
Dr. Chittaranjan Kundu, S-1
From April 2017 to May 2018
1. Counting polar symptoms, how to represent results? Homeopathy 2021;110:27–35.
2. Optimising the use of polar symptoms in Homoeopathy: Introduction to a pilot study of prognostic factor research in chronic cough. Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2020;14:200-10.
Prognostic factor research of symptoms indicating Homoeopathic medicines for cough (Trial Phase)
Dr. Sujata Choudhury,
From June 2018 to March 2021
Compilation work is going on at Hqrs.
Patient Related Outcome Measures Study
Dr. Sujata Choudhury,
July 2017
Concluding report submitted to Hqrs.
Validation of Homoeopathic drugs of EDL prescribed in OPD cases of CCRH Institute/units with aid of Vithoulkas compass software : A pragmatic data collection study
Dr. A. K. Prusty, RO(H), S2
NPCDCS at Sambalpur Dist.
CHC, Jujomura
CHC, Themra
OHMC&R, Sambalpur
Dr. Umakanta Prusty RO(H), S2
From 01-08- 2017 to 31-03-2020
The programme has been concluded on 31-03-2020 and all the reports of the project have been sent to Hqrs. And analysis is going on at Hqrs. level awaiting for publication. All the furniture has been shifted to RRI(H), Puri.
Swasthya Rakshan Progamme conducted in five adopted villages
Dr. Umakanta Prusty, RO(H), S2
From May 2015 to March 2019
The programme has been concluded and all the reports of the project have been sent to Hqrs. and analysis is going on at Hqrs. level awaiting for publication.
Swasthya Rakshan Progamme (Assessment of health seeking behavior and usefulness of Homoeopathy for Adolescents (12-18yrs.) in normal setting – An open label observational study in 9 institutes
Dr. P. K. Pradhan, RO(H), S3
Started from April 2019 to March 2020
The programme has been concluded and all the reports of the project have been sent to Hqrs. and analysis is going on at Hqrs. level awaiting for publication.
Health camps in SC dominated areas
Dr. Umakanta Prusty RO(H), S2
From May 2017
The programme has been concluded and all the reports of the project have been sent to Hqrs. and analysis is going on at Hqrs. level awaiting for publication.
Distribution of Arsenicum album 30 as Homoeo-prophylaxis
Dr. P. K. Pradhan, RO(H), S3
From June 2020 to September 2020
Distribution of Arsenicum album 30 as immune booster during COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Umakanta Prusty RO(H), S2
During first phase lock down
All the reports and data has been sent to Hqrs.
Retrospective study on COVID recovered patients
Dr. Umakanta Prusty RO(H), S2
All the data and records have been sent to Hqrs.
Lifestyle disorder clinic (on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
Dr. Umakanta Prusty RO(H), S2
From 09-07-2018 to 31-03-2021
Ayush 64
Dr A. K. Prusty R.O.(H), S-2