Dissemination and communication are two very important aspects in the field of science. As a primary mandate, the Council disseminates the outcomes of the research studies through effective documentation and publications.
To share the research outcomes with clinicians, researchers, teachers, students, policy makers and common man, the Council publishes books, monographs, newsletter and IEC material. In its endeavor to reach out globally, the Council publishes a peer reviewed quarterly research journal, Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy which can be accessed online at The print copy of the journal can be obtained from the Council’s Headquarters or can be ordered online.
The Council publishes quality books on Drug Standardization, Homoeopathic Pathogenetic Trials and Clinical Verification apart from Mother and Child Health and Homoeopathic Materia Medica. The online purchase of these publications has been facilitated for Indian readers by integrating payment gateway with Council’s website (