Research at a Glance

Research at a Glance

 Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) is also disseminating precise information/citation about scientific articles published in various journals/magazine other than the journals subscribed by this Council through “Research at a Glance”.

Research at a Glance Feb 2022 Download (388kB)
Research at a Glance Feb 2022 Download (324kB)
Research at a Glance Feb 2022 Download (388 kB)
Research at a Glance Feb 2022 Download (499 kB)
Research at a Glance Feb 2022 Download (412 kB)
Research at a Glance Jan 2022 Download (540 kB)

Research at a Glance Archive

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About CCRH

Homoepathy was discovered by a German Physician, Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), In the late eighteen century. It is a therapetic systemof medicine premised on the principle,"Similia Similibus Curentur" or 'let likes be treated by likes'. It is a method of treatment for curring the patient by medicines that posses the power of producing similar symptoms in a human being simulating the natural disease, which it can cure in the diseased person, It treates the patients not only through holistic approach but also considers individuaistic characteristics of the person. This concepts of 'Law of Similars' was also enuncaited by Hippocrates and Paracelsus, but Dr. Hahnemann established it on a scientific footing despite the fact that he lived in an age when modern laboratory methods were almost unknown.

International Cooperation/MoU
Expression of Interest for Collobrative Research
National Collobrations with Homeopathic Colleges/National MoUs
Extra Mural Research(EMR)
CCRH Award Scheme
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